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Junior Success Evening

Broxburn Academy's Junior Success Evening is an annual highlight of the school year that celebrates the many successes of our young people.

Excellence Awards

To win this award a pupil must be selected as one of a maximum of 10 pupils in their year in that subject, who best demonstrate outstanding contribution or achieve noteworthy success.

Different departments apply this criteria in a way suitable to the demands of their subjects - however what doesn't change it that in winning an Excellence Award a pupil has achieved something very significant!

Please see the following links for a video announcing our winners

S1 - S1 Excellence Award Winners (opens new window)

S2 - S2 Excellence Award Winners (opens new window)

S3 - S3 Excellence Award Winners (opens new window)

Congratulations to all our winners.

School Awards ceremony Success Evening

This year our usual ceremony is a little different. Please see here for our video introduction which explains more.

Award Ceremony Introduction (opens new window)

Academic Awards

Recognising those pupils who have achieved significant academic success in the year 2019/2020.

Academic Award Winners (opens new window)

Sponsored Awards

Celebrating those pupils who have won a subject award sponsored by a local organisation, business or individual based on their academic performance.

Sponsored Award Winners (opens new window)

Whole School Awards

Celebrating those pupils who have won an award recognising impact, contribution or achievement at a whole school level.

Whole School Award Winners (opens new window)

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