"How to help your child pass" night
Thursday 26 September 2019 6:30 pm
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Dear Parents and Carers,
"How to help your child pass" night - Thursday 26 September 2019 6:30 pm
To coincide with the Careers Fair taking place in the school Assembly Hall this Thursday, we are also running our "How to help your child pass night", which some of you may recall from last year.
This is aimed at pupils in the senior phase, and their families and supporters. Feedback last year was extremely positive, and we know you will find the event really useful.
Come down to the school library for a short talk on how to support your pupils through this school year and especially in the run up to prelim and final exams. Then browse the subject stalls in the CDT social area, where you can pick up information from all curriculum areas about how and what to study. We will have some senior pupils on hand to explain it all from their point of view, too.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Mrs FH Rowland
Depute Headteacher