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Assessment Calendar 2021

27 April

Dear Pupil, Parent, or Carer,

Please find attached re-issued Assessment Calendar and 'Our Journey to SQA Provisional Grades' infographic. We have endeavoured to space out assessments to support as much as we can, however, if you find that there are issues with assessment timings, please discuss these with your teachers, or Head of Faculty. It should be noted that there are some practical assessments that will not feature in the calendar as they may be ongoing assessments or have timings personal to each pupil. 

As you will see from the infographic we will be using 'Progress' to provide information on Working Grades, Target Grades, and next steps in learning towards the SQA Provisional Grade. If parents / carers do not have their log in for 'Progress' please contact the school office and this will re-issued.

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